Spring is on the horizon

In my attempt to resist the urge to do too much cleaning up in the garden before it’s really safe to do so, I’m walking the rows and scouting what is emerging.

And making lots of lists of things that need to be done — when the time is right!

Here’s a look at what’s poking through in the garden.

peony shoots emerging from the soil

Itoh peonies that are now 3 years old and should finally be producing some stems in mid spring.

frosted foliage on hollyhocks

Biennial black hollyhock that will be blooming for the first time this summer. I’m actually planning to use the blossoms not for cutting, but for our alpaca fiber dye!

hand holding a hellebore bloom

Also not for cutting and just for enjoyment - hellebores!

daffodils sprouting from the soil with a farmhouse in the background

Three year old daffodils are noticeably emerging after weeding. (I promise this weeding was necessary otherwise bermuda grass would’ve killed the crop + I left all the collected debris in a corner of the garden.)

two feet standing besides new green foliage growing in the garden

2 year old geum has been looking lush and green since early January. EVEN after subzero temps!!

While I wait for more stuff to emerge, I’m looking through my camera roll and getting excited about what’s to come.

Here’s what should be returning in springtime bouquets…


Sowing Space


Hometown Tourist part 3